Driffield Millennium Green

During the autumn of 2023 the wetland areas of Driffield’s Millenium Green
were given a major overhaul under the guidance of Alan Mullinger (EYRT)
and Chris Toohie of Wold Ecology

Working in partnership with trustees, Treeworx, Special Branch Tree Surgery, Wold Ecology
and Bishop Burton College a number of habitat improvement measures were undertaken.

A large pool was suffering from willow encroachment and at risk of drying out. The pool is vital for the local
great crested newt population which breed in the area. A number of willows were removed reduced whilst the pool
itself was deepened in an attempt to make it more suitable for local amphibian populations.

Close to the main pool lies a much smaller body of water which is no less important and in need of protection.
The pool lies close to the junction of two public footpaths, and it was decided that a dead hedge constructed around the
pond would help to keep dogs from running through it and damaging fragile newt habitat.

The materials were all completely natural with both posts and willow used to weave around them
was all sourced from trees felled or coppiced on site.